How to Pay Business Rates

How to pay your Business Rates

Payment Options

Everyone has the automatic right to pay by ten monthly installments (usually from 1 April to 1 January) each financial year. However you may request to pay your rates bill over 12 months. Your business rates demand notice tells you when payments are due. 

The preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit. The payment date for direct debits is the 15th day of the month. You can also pay by one lump sum on 1 April, or by two half yearly payments due on 1 April and 1 September.

For paying by Direct Debit, please complete and return by post our Direct Debit Mandate Form (.pdf) (232KB) (Opens in a New Window)

You can pay online via the e-store (Opens in a New Window) or find out more information on other payment methods available. (.pdf) (18KB) (Opens in a New Window)


If you do not pay your installment when it is due, we will send you a reminder which says you must pay all the installments you owe within seven days. If you do not, you will lose the right to pay by installments and you will have to pay the full amount on your account immediately. If you do not pay the amount on the reminder, we will start legal proceedings to recover the money you owe.

If we do this, you will have to pay extra costs. We will apply to the Nottingham Magistrates' Court for a summons to be issued against you for the full amount of business rates owed. If we still do not receive your payment, we will apply for a liability order.

Please do not ignore the summons.  If you do not pay we could send an enforcement agent to collect the debt, and if ultimately the enforcement agent cannot recover the debt, we can ask the Magistrates' Court to commit you to prison.

We can also start bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings against you or your company.

Do not ignore the notices we send you.

The key message to all residents and ratepayers who get into arrears with their  Business Rates is to contact the Council sooner rather than later on 0115 9177777 or a free advice agency such as the Citizen Advice Bureau. (Opens in a New Window)

Please Note : Enforcement Agents replaced Bailiffs under the taking Control of Goods (Fee) Regulations 2014.
