Sunshine and Shared Prosperity Funding is powering a digital upgrade for Middle Street Resource Centre users.

18/09/24 - Broxtowe Borough Council’s grant of £6,316 to Middle Street Resource Centre will meet the needs of the centre’s Mindset Groups and other users, benefiting from upgrades to digital equipment and digital training.

The grant has funded the purchase of re-conditioned laptops, cameras and other equipment to support the work of the centre’s Mindset Groups. Solar panels to recharge the new equipment have also been funded, reducing the centre’s carbon footprint. Digital Champions are being trained, so that they can learn and pass on digital skills, via peer-led group sessions, enabling creation, editing and broadcasting of the Mindset Groups’ content through the centre’s social media and website.

The grant was made possible through the UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) from the UK Government. Middle Street Resource Centre secured matched funding from East Midlands Airport Community Fund and other local sources.  Beeston Resource centre community members using laptops

Middle Street Resource Centre is a mental health focussed community centre based in Beeston which offers a variety of mental health support groups, therapeutic one to one support, and volunteering opportunities to promote mental health wellbeing. At the heart of the centre is a community café which provides a welcoming space for all.

Councillor Milan Radulovic (MBE), Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Asset Management said;

‘The grant is a reflection of the work the Council is putting in to improve life for our residents. There has been much published on the positive effects of digital inclusion and I feel this grant will allow more residents to get the benefits of being online. The use of solar panels to run equipment is a positive contribution to our climate change strategy’ 

Duncan Mitchell, Chair of Trustees for Beeston Community Resource CIO said;

‘This grant enables our Mindset Group participants and volunteers to work creatively, share their successes and reach more people, by working digitally and online. It’s really important that we can provide our community members with the skills, the equipment and access so that they can make the most of the benefits of the digital society.’

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is UK Government funded and Broxtowe Borough Council has been allocated a total of £2,584,477 over a three-year period 2022-25. Activity funded in 2024/5 includes local business, skills and community projects, including a set of community grant-funded projects.

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