Excitement grows with the return of Broxtowe’s Third Green Festival!

09/09/24 - Broxtowe Borough Council’s free to attend Festival will take place on Saturday 21 September at Coronation Park in Eastwood, 12pm-3pm and provide an exciting day out for the whole family.

Last year, more than 300 people attended the Green Festival to learn about how we can be more environmentally friendly and tackle climate change, whilst supporting local businesses and community groups.

This year, you can find a wide range of stalls including:

  • Brinsley Animal Rescue, a local animal organisation that provides care to animals that need it.
  • Little Bean Homemade who make pocket friendly, eco-friendly, homemade reusable alternatives to products we commonly throw away.
  • The Woodland Trust, the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity.
  • Canopy 2050 who help local councils increase the urban tree canopy by establishing mini nurseries, free trees, workshops, talks and educational videos.
  • The Green Doctor, a service that offers free practical advice to help you take control of your bills and save energy in the home where possible.
  • Nottingham Climate Assembly (Nottingham Youth Climate Assembly) - Made up of 16-25 years olds to help deliver Nottingham’s first Citizens’ Assembly.

You’ll be able to get involved with activities like:

  • Getting crafty and learning new skills with and Mary Broddle’s embroidery for wellbeing.
  • The popular dog show run by Broxtowe’s Neighbourhood Wardens
  • A range of delicious, sustainable food and drink from vendors like Veggies, Lesley’s Vegan Cakes.
  • Free giant garden games and face painting,
  • A juggler and a stilt walker.

Portfolio Holder for Environment, Councillor Helen Skinner, said “No matter our age, there’s lots to learn about climate change so I’m really forward to the Green Festival returning for the third year! If you are not sure where to start on environmental issues, this Festival is a great opportunity to learn a bit more about it whilst having a lovely day out with the family. Let’s come together to act on climate change as we can all make small changes to create a big difference.”

Residents are encouraged to walk, cycle or use public transport to get to this event. The rainbow one bus service and the 34 bus service which is run by Trent Barton also travel directly past the park. However, if you do need to drive, limited parking is available at Coronation Park.

You can find more details on the upcoming festival along with other future events on the Green Festivals webpage (Opens in a new window).


Communications Team