Have your voice heard in Broxtowe’s Budget Consultation

08/10/24 - Broxtowe Borough Council has launched its annual budget survey, asking local residents, businesses and community and voluntary organisations to share their thoughts on Council services and how they think the budget should be spent.

To have their say, local people can visit www.surveymonkey.com/r/broxtowebudget25 (Opens in a new window) and complete the online survey. There is also a chance to win one of six £50 Love2Shop vouchers for all participants who wish to enter a prize draw. 

The survey asks for views on the wide range of services provided by the Council, including housing, waste and recycling, health, leisure, business support and more, as well as suggestions on how to increase income and reduce costs to help balance the budget.

Portfolio Holder for Resources and Personnel Policy, Councillor Greg Marshall said, “There are many significant projects taking place in Broxtowe which are shaping the Borough, such as securing new community and sports facilities at Hickings Lane in Stapleford, our ambitious Council house building and acquisitions programme and investment in our cultural heritage at Brinsley Headstocks.

It’s going to be another challenging financial year for local authorities, but we’re proud that we’ve managed to ensure there have been no cuts to jobs and services.

Every comment and suggestion that residents take the time to share in the Budget Consultation is appreciated. Real input from local people helps us fulfil the needs of our communities in the right way for our area, through next year’s budget proposals as we carefully consider how we continue to support the many initiatives that work to build Broxtowe’s future.”

The survey will be open until 19 November 2024.

Anyone who is unable to complete the form online can send their comments to Finance Services, Broxtowe Borough Council, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB.

Communications Team