Brinsley Headstock Restoration Project Reaches First Milestone!

14/10/24 - Works have begun to create new ponds at Brinsley Headstocks site to benefit local wildlife and the nationally endangered water vole, as part of Broxtowe Borough Council’s restoration project.

In Spring 2023, the Headstocks were fenced off from the public after a structural engineer highlighted safety concerns. In September 2023, the iron winding wheels were removed to lighten loading on the frame, whilst a specialist contractor could be found to shore the timbers and begin a dismantling and cataloguing process. Unfortunately, the condition of the structure further deteriorated and posed a risk to public safety. Given the continued decline, it became obvious that restoration of the structure, as it currently stood was no longer possible. The best course of action from a Health and Safety perspective, was to have the Headstocks dismantled, salvaging, where possible, timber and the ironwork from the structure.

The Headstocks at Brinsley were believed to be the last standing example of a tandem timber headstock in the Country. For Brinsley residents they were a symbol of the village and reminder of the once dominant local mining industry.

After dismantling the Headstocks, a public consultation was undertaken to determine a way forward to the site. The results were strongly in favour of an exact timber replacement, along with improvements to the sites accessibility and work to enhance biodiversity.  

Whilst the rebuilding of the headstocks will be completed towards the end of 2025, some improvements will be carried out before this which include:

  • Pond creation and restoration
  • Planting a Memorial Orchard to remember miners who lost their life at the colliery
  • Installing a carved seat sculpture, using timbers salvaged from the Headstocks
  • Creation of an extensive native wildflower meadow
  • Improved access to the site, with more accessible paths
  • Installation of site interpretation and signage
  • Event on site to celebrate the restoration work and promote the heritage and biodiversity of the site

Leader of Broxtowe Borough Council and Project Lead, Councillor Milan Radulovic MBE said, ‘We want to thank all those that took part in our public consultation. We wanted to make sure our residents voices were heard on this project. We believe this restoration project not just helps restore the Headstocks to their former glory, but the site will be further enhanced with additional biodiversity benefits.

It has also been especially important to us to pay respects to those that sadly lost their lives at the colliery. The site is a cultural asset to the Borough and we want to make sure it’s a site of historical significance that people want to come and visit.’

Working with the Friends of Brinsley Headstocks Community Group has been key a part of this project who have been fully supportive throughout. Friends Chairman, Ken Hamilton said, ‘This is a positive chapter in the developing history of Brinsley’s heritage and nature site. With everyone pulling together, confidence is high that targets will be achieved.

Portfolio Holder for Environment, Councillor Helen Skinner said, ‘We’re really excited to be working with the Wildlife Trust on the creation of ponds to benefit wildlife and water voles at Brinsley Headstocks. We believe that this and an extensive wildflower meadow will have huge benefits for our environment, and will be something visitors to the site will also enjoy seeing.’

The pond work has been partly funded by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, with a £3,000 grant from their Natural England-funded Species Recovery Capital Grant Scheme, which is aimed at boosting water vole populations in Nottinghamshire. Janice Bradley, Head of Nature Recovery (North) for the Wildlife Trust said ‘We are delighted to partner with Broxtowe BC on this excellent project that will help to create better habitat for water voles in this part of the County, and contribute to our work to bring this popular mammal back from the brink of extinction’.


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