Over 630 tonnes of carbon to be saved by Broxtowe Borough Council’s change in fuel

21/05/24 - By changing from diesel to biofuel, the Council expects to achieve savings of over 630 tonnes of CO2 emissions. That’s equivalent to the impressive weight of 158 Asian Elephants.

This biofuel, in the form of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), is a premium, high quality vehicle fuel made from plant based oils and is an alternative fuel to diesel. This change in fuel is part of Broxtowe Borough Council’s ambitious efforts to become carbon neutral by 31 December 2027.  

Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, Councillor Helen Skinner said, “This one change to HVO fuel instead of diesel is expected to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions by an amazing 26%, and is just one way the Council are reviewing how we can reduce carbon through our transport operations. We are also addressing nine other key themes in our strategy as part of the effort to decarbonise our own operations.

Climate change is a serious issue that impacts us all so we need to act. Every change we each make can add up to a big difference.”

This work has been carried out as part of the Council’s Climate Change and Green Futures strategy (.pdf) (4.7MB) (Opens in a new window), which sets out its plans for tackling climate change and reducing the carbon emissions of its own operations to become carbon neutral by the end of December 2027.

Broxtowe residents who are interested in reducing their carbon emissions, can sign up to Green Rewards, an online platform designed to encourage and reward residents for taking sustainable actions that help care for our planet. Residents can download the app or sign up on desktop (Opens in a new window). #SmallChangeBigDifference.

Communications Team