Infamous rebellion documented in new exhibition at D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum

14/05/24 - A new exhibition at Eastwood’s D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum will explore the hidden history of England’s last armed rebellion, The Pentrich Revolution.

The Pentrich Revolution was an armed uprising in 1817 that began around the village of Pentrich in Derbyshire, with three hundred men who wanted to stand up to what they believed was a repressive government and demanding political rights and an end to enforced poverty. Unbeknown to them, the uprising had actually been encouraged by government agents. 

The Pentrich Revolution in Art: Eastwood will open in the Gallery Space at the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum on Victoria Street, Eastwood on 20 June until 30 August and will be available to view for free during usual museum opening times.

It will explore Eastwood’s connection to the Pentrich Revolution, including the day when at least 200 of the rebels who passed through the town, stopped for refreshments at the Sun Inn and hid in nearby woodlands. Taking place less than 40 years before Lawrence was born, the events would certainly have influenced the local area and he would have likely heard stories about it.

The exhibition has been curated by The Pentrich and South Wingfield Revolution Group who work to preserve local history for future generations.

Patrick Cook, Chair of the Pentrich & South Wingfield Group said: “It’s so important that we try to keep this incredible story alive in the communities where these events occurred. Eastwood played such a significant part in the rising and I hope that visitors to the exhibition will be able to learn more about the rising and our history through the artworks on display.”

The D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum is where this literary legend was born on 11 September 1885. Only 30 minutes from Nottingham city centre, the Museum is a must see for fans of literature, and for those wanting to delve deeper into Nottingham’s literary heritage.

Step back in time to experience the traditional Victorian wash house, see the parlour; a room only for special guests, feel the warmth of the fire in the kitchen and have a wander around the parental and other bedrooms. The museum’s permanent exhibition features items from Lawrence’s family and even paintings created by the author himself.

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Image Credit: Martin R Davis

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