16 community projects boosted with Council funding

17/05/24 - Community projects across Broxtowe Borough will benefit from a funding boost, thanks to Broxtowe Borough Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) from the UK Government.

16 projects have been granted funding through the scheme, including an expanded programme of Nottingham Forest Community Trust sessions at Eastwood Town FC, which has received £32,017 funding to continue their weekly children’s Kicks sessions and introduce new adult sessions. Developed in response to demand, the new week-day sessions for adults offer activity and social connection as well as making links to local organisations who offer support and volunteering opportunities across a range of topics. 

Karen Swan, Head of Community Engagement at NFCT said “We are exceptionally grateful to be funded for another year of Kicks in Eastwood for young people aged 8-16. The funding has also allowed us to expand our offer to a health and wellbeing session for over 18s in Eastwood offering a whole family approach to support.”

In Beeston, Beeston Civic Society’s Inham Nook Skill Fest has received £5,683. The festival will take place at Inham Nook Recreation Ground on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 May and include workshops aimed at young people (and the young-at-heart) in Skateboarding, Wall Art and Rap from Skate Nottingham, Ivan Bainbridge and Kingdom Rapper. More details and booking information is available at beestoncivicsociety.org.uk/skillfest (Opens in a new window).

Tamar Feast, Beeston Civic Society Trustee said: "If you ask anyone what a Civic Society is about, they'll probably not say this! Beeston Civic Society is delighted to receive support from the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund to be able to continue our long-held tradition of hosting cultural events for local young (and not-so-young, except at heart) people. While it's true that we're passionate about our town's heritage past, we love having fun in the present too – being able to engage our broad and diverse local community in this way benefits us as much as those who come along to enjoy our programme of events. We really hope Skill Fest is a success and can bring everyone together."

Other projects which have received funding include:

  • Attenborough Cricket Club – new batting cage and covers, expanding participation.
  • Volunteer it Yourself at Nottingham Casuals - repairing flood damage and improving changing rooms to increase sports participation, by a team of young volunteers.
  • Beeston Unity Centre - roof repairs to enable continued use and expansion of sports activities, including for women and girls.
  • Eastwood Athletic FC at Nuthall - renovation of pavilion at Basil Russell Park, to provide a base for Eastwood AFC’s girls’ teams.
  • Rural Community Action Notts – supporting hall committees across the Borough to improve their financial sustainability.
  • Mind Notts - Well Programme group meet-ups and one to one sessions.
  • Parky Players – development of play by a group of people with Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Forever Stars - renovating upstairs room and installing a lift, supporting wider participation in activities for families who have lost a baby.
  • Broxtowe Women’s Project – to support their ‘Power of Words’ project to improve access to reading, writing and art activities for children and families, through creative workshops and activities.
  • Eastwood Shed - installation and tools for ‘Men’s Shed’ in Eastwood, offering weekly social workshop sessions.
  • Stapleford Town Council – to support the History of the Fallen project which will involve local history and community groups in creating banners to commemorate Stapleford soldiers who died during WWII.
  • Beeston Light Night – the return of the popular light installation event.
  • Yarn Bomb Stapleford - seaside-themed summer yarn installation and festival.
  • Beeston Resource Centre - digital upgrade supporting activities by numerous groups.

The Council is also using its UKSPF communities & place funding to provide a further year of support for Ridewise cycling sessions in Eastwood and Beeston, a Green Doctor project by Groundwork Five Counties offering practical energy-saving advice and support to households across the Borough and Citizen’s Advice Broxtowe Financial Resilience project, which provides a dedicated service to improving financial well-being.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is part of the Government’s Levelling Up programme. Broxtowe Borough Council has been allocated a total of £2,584,477 over a three-year period 2022-25. Activity funded in 2024/5 includes local business, skills and community projects, including a set of community grant-funded projects.

For more information visit www.broxtowe.gov.uk/sharedprosperityfund

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