Kimberley Business Booster Grants Now Open!

12/06/24 - Businesses in Kimberley interested in applying for the latest Round of Business Booster Grants can now apply online.

The Kimberley Levelling Up Business Booster scheme allows businesses to apply for up to £5,000 to help businesses attract people back into the town centre.

The scheme is part of the Kimberley Means Business Levelling Up project, and follows on from the first two Rounds where over £350,000 has been distributed to local businesses. The purpose of the scheme is to support local businesses and to enhance the aesthetic appeal of Kimberley, for both residents and visitors, developing people’s pride in the town and attracting footfall in the town centre.

Officers from the Council’s Economic Development Team, Business Advisors from Nottinghamshire County Council and the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce are offering advice and support for those wishing to apply for the scheme.

Ryan Dawson Head of Planning and Economic Development said: “We’re pleased to be able to announce a third round of grants available for businesses in Kimberley which will help support our local businesses to thrive. It’s been great to see how businesses have benefitted from our previous rounds of funding, so we are keen to receive applications from even more businesses in this round with their fresh ideas.’’

For more information about the grant scheme, visit

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