Consultation on replacement of Smoke Control Orders

24/06/24 - During the summer of 2023 Broxtowe Borough Council proposed changes to its smoke control orders and is now seeking to finalise the replacement of its existing 21 orders with a single Borough wide Order

The aim of a smoke control area is to improve local air quality by limiting the amount of smoke which can be emitted from chimneys of homes and businesses. Only  DEFRA approved stoves or smokeless fuels should be used in these areas. You can read more about DEFRA approved stoves on the DEFRA website (Opens in a new window). The Council has made a Revocation Order and intends for the new Order to take effect from May 2025 subject to approval.

The Council is required to consult with the public on these plans which closes on 15 August 2024. More information, including the Revocation Order and proposed new Smoke Control Order and area to be covered can be found at

Suzanne Hickey, Head of Environmental Health, Licensing and Private Sector Housing said “This presents good progress for Broxtowe and will help us protect air quality in the Borough which monitoring has shown has been continually improving. Feedback received during the last consultation was supportive of further work in this area and the proposal supports our aim of reducing carbon emissions. We hope this will encourage residents to be responsible when using solid fuel appliances and in choosing smokeless fuels.”

If you wish to comment on the proposed new Order you can do so by email to, or by writing to Environmental Health, Broxtowe Borough Council, Civic Centre, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB.

Please mark letters or use the email subject heading ‘Objection to revision to Smoke Control Orders’.

Objections to the Revocation Order should be sent to Air Quality and Industrial Emissions, DEFRA Seacole Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF or by email to

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