Housing Delivery
- What is the Housing Delivery Plan
- Acquisition of Existing Properties
- Ex Service Personnel Accommodation
- Fishpond Cottage
- Bramcote Crematorium
- Chilwell Garage Sites
- Chilton Drive Garages Site
- Inham Nook Pub Site
What is the Housing Delivery Plan?
In 2019, the Council approved a new Housing Delivery Plan to meet social and affordable housing need over the next ten years.
This followed a study by GL Hearn on Social and Affordable Housing Need which concluded that there was a notable need for affordable housing and that provision of new affordable housing was an important and pressing issue in the Borough.
The plan will see a minimum of 230 homes built in the Borough over the next 10 years on land which the Council owns, including brownfield, under-utilised and derelict sites.
It also sets out plans to:
- Buy back existing properties that were once Council homes.
- Re-model existing under-used accommodation.
- Work in partnership with local registered providers to build homes.
- Deliver the Council’s own new build development.
- Meeting the needs of an ageing population and those with conditions such as dementia.
The Delivery Plan is divided into three phases which each use a combination of the above delivery mechanisms:
- Phase 1 - Years 1 and 2 (2019 - 2021)
- Phase 2 - Years 3 to 5 (2021 - 2024)
- Phase 3 - Years 5 onwards (2024 onwards)
View the Housing Delivery Plan in full (pdf) (434.5kb) (Opens in a New Window)
Acquisition of existing properties (Buy Backs)
31 former right to buy properties have been bought back since April 2020. Once back in Council ownership, the properties are used to provide housing for those on the Council’s housing waiting list.
If you would like to discuss your own property, please contact the Housing Acquisitions Officer or email acquisitions@broxtowe.gov.uk
Ongoing Projects
Ex Service Personnel Accommodation, Oakfield Road, Stapleford
The five new one-bed homes for ex-Service Personnel on the garage site between 71 and 83 Oakfield Road have now been completed and the residents have moved in. The flats have energy efficient features such as air source heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels.
The Council is also working with a locally based Armed Forces charity to ensure that bespoke support is provided to the new residents.
Read the full story on New Accommodation for Ex Service Personnel in Stapleford.
Fishpond Cottage, Bramcote
Following a decision made by Cabinet in July 2022, the development of the Fishpond Cottage site has been placed on hold and a decision will be made on what to do with the site in 2023.
Bramcote Crematorium
The Council is in negotiations with a local house builder to build 34 new rented homes and 17 shared ownership homes on land to the west of Coventry Lane, Bramcote. Subject to a successful conclusion to the negotiations, it is anticipated that a reserved matters approval for the affordable housing will be submitted later this year.
Chilwell Garage Sites
Phase 1 of the Housing Delivery Plan identified several garage sites to be developed in the Borough in 2021/22. Planning Applications (Link http://planning.broxtowe.gov.uk/ApplicationSearch) for three of the sites have now been agreed:
- Felton Close, Chilwell – 4 new homes and parking bays - Planning Application No. 22/00210
- Gayrigg Court, Chilwell – 3 new homes - Planning Application No. 22/00212
- Selside Court, Chilwell – 2 new homes - Planning Application No. 22/00211
Chilton Drive, Watnall Garage Sites
Planning applications have been made to demolish 10 garages to the rear of Butterfield Court (off Chilton Drive, Watnall) to allow the Council to build 4 new houses and parking bays. These will be highly energy efficient dwellings, using air source heat pumps and photovoltaic panels. The Planning Application numbers are 22/00566 and 22/00721.
The Council has undertaken a parking survey around the garages to assess the impact of the proposal on the existing on street parking and the current proposals are considered acceptable.
The Housing department will work with the garage tenants affected to try and find alternative garages to rent.
Inham Nook Pub Site
A planning application has been approved (subject to a unilateral undertaking) to build 15 new houses and flats at the former Inham Nook pub and the neighbouring garage site. Community consultation with local residents and stakeholders was undertaken.
The pub has already been demolished, and the demolition of the nearby garages will allow the Council to build 15 dwellings (houses and flats) and provide a new pocket park for the area. The new homes would be highly energy efficient dwellings using air source heat pumps and photovoltaic roof panels to generate renewable energy. The pocket park will contain seats, lighting, new planting and a possible small allotment garden.
The existing Library and Community Centre will not be affected by this proposed development.
The Planning Application can be found under reference 22/00355.
For further information, please send an email to housingstrategy@broxtowe.gov.uk or contact the Housing Acquisitions Officer on 0115 917 3623.
- Housing Delivery Plan (pdf) (434.5 KB)
- Chilton Drive Site 1 - Layout Option 1 (pdf) (266.19 KB)
- Chilton Drive Site - Layout Option 1 (Page 2) (pdf) (479.3 KB)
- Elevation from Barn Croft (pdf) (1.91 MB)
- Elevation from Great Hoggett Drive (pdf) (1.91 MB)
- Elevation from Inham Road (pdf) (1.91 MB)
- Public Consultation - Barn Croft and Inham Nook Pub (pdf) (4.7 MB)
- Inham Nook Consultation - 2 & 3 bed house types (pdf) (249 KB)
- 3D image from the corner of Great Hoggett Drive and Inham Road (pdf) (607.18 KB)
- Inham Nook Consultation - 1 bed apartments (pdf) (226.89 KB)
- Inham Nook Consultation - Pocket Park (pdf) (709.57 KB)
- Inham Nook Consultation - Site layout plan (pdf) (787.44 KB)