Trade Waste

Information about the Council’s Trade Waste Collection services for businesses and commercial premises, including food waste collections and Simpler Recycling guidance.

The Council’s Trade Waste Service is available for all businesses and commercial premises within the Borough of Broxtowe.

What does the service include?

  • A guaranteed same day weekly general waste collection.
  • Free dry recycling collections every fortnight.
  • Free glass collections every four weeks.
  • Low maintenance containers available in a variety of sizes.
  • Free advice regarding waste and recycling.
  • Compliance with Duty of Care requirements.

How much does it cost?

The weekly charge for each of our containers is shown below. These charges include all collection, disposal costs, and duty of care certification for 2024/25. Prices for 2025/26 will be updated in April.

Trade Waste Container Costs
Container Type Measurements Cost (£)




Small 140 Litre

Height: 1068mm, Width 500mm, Depth 561mm


Normal 240 Litre

Height: 1074mm, Width 580mm, Depth 734mm


Medium 660 Litre

Height: 1320mm, Width 1265mm, Depth 740mm


Medium/Large 820 Litre

Height: 1370mm, Width 1230mm, Depth 780mm


Large 1100 Litre

Height: 1380mm, Width 1270mm, Depth 1000mm


Extra collections can be organised at an additional cost.

What's new?

Food Waste

Following the UK Governments waste policy update, businesses with ten or more employees, are required to comply with food waste collections from 31 March 2025.

Businesses with less than ten employees and schools do not need to comply until 31 March 2027. Households will not be required to separate food waste in the Borough of Broxtowe until October 2027.

How much does it cost?

These costs are for 2025/26 and the first collection will be at the beginning of April.

Bin size (litres) Price per collection (£) Potential annual cost based on one collection per week per year (£)
23 2.35 122.20
140 5.50 286
240 7.50 390


You can put the following in your food waste bin:

  • Meat and fish: Including bones.
  • Dairy: Including cheese, eggs, and eggshells.
  • Fruit and vegetables: Including peelings.
  • Bread, cakes, and pastries: Including leftovers and plate scrapings.
  • Rice and pasta: Including cooked and uncooked food.
  • Tea bags and coffee grounds: Including tea leaves.

Your food waste will be collected weekly, please ensure you bin is ready for collection by 6.30am on the collection day.

Check out the Food Waste Leaflet (png) 150KB (Opens in New Window).

Simpler Recycling

Changes to recycling following the UK Governments waste policy update to streamline the recycling process means that businesses are able to recycle a larger range of items. This now includes:

  • Plastic pots, tubs and trays.
  • Tetra Pak cartons.
  • Foil and foil packaging.

And is in addition to the items listed on the main recycling page .

Changes for households will not come into effect until October 2027.

Check out the Simpler Recycling Leaflet (.pdf) 381KB (Opens in New Window).

How do I sign up?

Contact the Council via the phone on 0115 917 7777 or email

You will be asked to sign a Trade Waste Agreement, along with a Waste Transfer Note which will need to be renewed annually.

If you need to make any alteration to the agreement, a new Trade Waste Agreement will need to be issued, arrangements will be made for an Officer to visit the contract holder to obtain a signature.  If more bins are needed or bins need to be collected this will be completed within 5 working days.

The provision of these documents are included in the trade waste prices.

To cancel the agreement, the Council needs 28 days’ written notice. An Officer will contact you to confirm termination of the agreement and to get any feedback on the service. Containers will also be collected at the end of the agreement.

How do I pay?

You will be invoiced annually in April.

Direct Debit

The quickest and easiest way to pay is by direct debit in 10 monthly installments, usually from April to January. Payment is taken on the 15th of the month. To set up a direct debit, please complete a Trade Waste Direct Debit Instruction Form (.pdf) (126KB) (Opens in a New Window).

Bi-annual invoices

You can also pay using the bi-annual payment system. You will receive an invoice in April and October each year.

Trade Waste Guidelines

As part of your agreement, the Council expect that:

  • All containers should be stored off street in a secure location.
  • All waste should be contained within the container and the lid closed prior to collection.
  • For collection purposes all containers should be placed at the boundary of your property by 6.30am on the morning of your collection day.
  • Please return your container to the normal storage area as soon as practicable after emptying.
  • Side waste will not be taken under any circumstances. If you are unable to contain your waste within the bin provided, additional containers may be required.
  • Commercial wheeled containers remain the property of Broxtowe Borough Council.

What can go in each bin?

To make trade bins more identifiable by the refuse teams, the colour of trade waste bins might be different from those used by residents.

General Waste

Visit the General Waste Bin page for more information.


Green-lidded Recycling Bin. You can recycle everything that households can with the addition of:

  • Plastic pots, tubs and trays.
  • Tetra Pak cartons.
  • Foil and foil packaging.

Please ensure that dry recycling is clean and not bagged in your recycling bin.

Glass Recycling

Visit the Glass Bag and Red-lidded Bin page for more information.

tel: 0115 917 7777