
Information about the Council’s textile collection service.

Textile kerbside collection service no longer offered

 In September 2020, the Council’s Environment and Climate Change committee decided not to reintroduce the textile kerbside collection service which is currently in suspension. This is due to the continued low take up by residents since it was launched in 2014 and the wide variety of alternative textile recycling options available to residents, such as donating to charity or selling online.

Resources that were utilised to deliver the service will be redirected into improving efficiency within the glass collection service, which as the easiest way for residents to recycle their glass, has seen participation grow.

Residents can continue to recycle and reuse their textiles by:

  • Taking them to a local recycling bank (Opens in a New Window)
  • Donating them to a charity shop. The Charity Retail website (Opens in a New Window) will help you to find your nearest charity shop. Some charities offer free collection services from your home.
  • Many high street retailers now offer clothing donation banks in-store.
  • Having them made into something new.
  • Selling them online so that someone else can make use of them.
  • Reusing them at home, for example turning unwearable items into useful items such as dusters. 

Please remember that Textiles must not be put in your green lidded recycling bin.

tel: 0115 917 7777