- Core Strategy Issues and Options Consultations 2009
Core Strategy Issues and Options Consultations 2009
Ashfield, Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe jointly prepared an ‘Issues & Options’ consultation document (.pdf) (6.60MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) identifying the key issues facing the Greater Nottingham area and the main options for tackling those issues. A Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (.pdf) (1.42MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) also formed part of the consultation.
The Issues and Options consultation ran from the 15th June to 31st July 2009. A series of consultation leaflets for each topic, including questionnaires were prepared (shown below).
Accommodating Growth (.pdf) (568KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Green Belt (.pdf) (432KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Regeneration (.pdf) (437KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Economy and Employment Land (.pdf) (689KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
City and Town Centres (.pdf) (303KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Neighbourhoods and Place Shaping (.pdf) (306KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Transport and Accessibility (.pdf) (352KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
New Infrastructure (.pdf) (434KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Infrastructure and Landscape Character (.pdf) (2.74MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Climate Change (.pdf) (307KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Broxtowe Local Issues (.pdf) (687KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Locally Distinct Issues for Erewash (.pdf) (494KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)
Gedling Local Issues (.pdf) (471KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)