Core Strategy Publication Version 2012
Broxtowe issued its publication version of the Core Strategy (.pdf) (4.46MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) (the strategic plan for the borough) and the proposals map (.pdf) (2.06MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) (to amended the Green Belt boundary at Field Farm). The strategic plan was developed jointly with Gedling and Nottingham City Council and set out the spatial strategy and key planning policies for development across the area.
The ‘publication version’ is a formal stage of plan preparation at the point where the council believe that the plan (the Core Strategy) is ready to become part of the statutory development plan. Consultation at this stage is governed by Regulation and there the consultation asked specific questions on whether the plan is legally compliant and sound.
Documents required by Regulation:
A Sustainability Appraisal (.pdf) (1.09MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) and associated Appendices (.pdf) (5.93MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) outlining the economic, social and environmental impacts policies and proposals within the Core Strategy to ensure that the chosen options promote sustainable development
A Habitats Regulation Assessment (.pdf) (8.59MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) which evaluates whether the Core Strategy should proceed based on whether the plan or policies may have a significant effect on a ‘European site’
An Equalities Impact Assessment (.pdf) (473KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) to identify any potential discrimination caused by the policies in the plan or the working practices of the Council and take steps to make sure that they are removed
A Statement of Consultation (.pdf) (12.4MB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) detailing; who was consulted during the plan preparation, how they were consulted, summarises the main issues raised in response to consultation and how the issues were taken into account by the Council
A Statement of Representation Procedure and Location of Documents for Inspection (.pdf) (141KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) setting out how to respond to the consultation and where the consultation documents could be viewed
Broxtowe produced a summary document (.pdf) (585KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) for the consultation and a leaflet (.pdf) (472KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) (which was delivered to every household in the borough). The council also produced an amended timetable (.pdf) (11.5KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) for the Core Strategy (from publication to adoption).
The consultation ran from 11th June until 23rd July 2012.