• Former Beamlight Factory – Article 4 Direction - Consultation

Former Beamlight Factory – Article 4 Direction - Consultation

The Council has recently made what is known as a ‘Direction’ that would remove certain permitted development rights for properties on the former Beamlight Factory.

Currently, a planning application is not needed to build certain extensions, porches and outbuildings. The effect of the Direction would be that, within the specified area, a planning application would be needed for those types of development.

Details behind the Article 4 direction can be found in the cabinet report (Opens in a New Window) on the 3 December 2024.

The area concerned can be seen on the map(.jpg)(719KB)(Opens in New Window) (Opens in a New Window).

It is proposed that the direction(.pdf)(128KB)(Opens in New Window) (Opens in a New Window) will come into force on 31st March 2025.

A copy of the Direction, accompanying map and associated background information is also available online by looking on the Application Search on our website. Once open search for 24/00826/A4D. A copy of the direction and map is available for inspection, by prior appointment, at Broxtowe Borough Council, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB.

Comments on the Direction can be made:

  • online by going to the Application Search (Opens in a New Window) webpage, registering, searching for 24/00826/A4D and completing the comments form
  • by email to policy@broxtowe.gov.uk quoting reference 24/00826/A4D.
  • in writing to: Planning Policy, Broxtowe Borough Council, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB, quoting reference 24/00826/A4D.

All representations received by 10th January 2025 will be taken into account before a decision is made on whether or not to confirm that the Direction will come into force. If you have any queries, please contact Mark Thompson (Planning Manager) on 0115 917 7777 or policy@broxtowe.gov.uk.

Planning Administration
tel: 0115 917 7777