Dropped Kerbs

Guidance for those who wish to lower the kerb to provide vehicular access to a property.

Vehicle Crossovers are sections of pavement with a lowered kerb connecting a private driveway to the highway. The installation of crossovers is paid for by residents but all are maintained by Nottinghamshire County Council who are responsible for maintaining all roads within the borough of Broxtowe. They provide a designated area for homeowners to drive cars legally over the footway to reach their driveway.

If the property at which you would like to create a vehicular access is on a classified road, you will need to apply for planning permission from Broxtowe Borough Council. If the property is on a non-classified road, planning permission would not be required from Broxtowe Borough Council.

If you are unsure if the road where you wish to create the vehicular access, is classified or not please telephone 0115 917 7777.

Regardless of whether or not you need permission from Broxtowe Borough Council (for the creation of a vehicular access) you will need to contact Nottinghamshire County Council to arrange for an approved contractor to carry out the work to drop the kerb.

More information can be found on Nottinghamshire County Council's Request a Dropped Kerb page (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window).

If planning permission is required please select the relevant form below:

Please note: Nottinghamshire County Council provide all information regarding classified/non-classified roads, you can search on the Find out if a road is publicly maintained page (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) to find out more. A full planning application is required due to works being undertaken to the highway. 

Planning Administration
tel: 0115 917 7777