
Information and advice on Planning Services in Broxtowe.

Public Access

Public Access is an online service that allows you to view details of existing applications for planning permission and other consents.

Register and receive notifications on Public Access

Registering for Public Access allows you to make comments on applications, keep track of particular applications and receive email notifications for when tracked applications are progressed. 

Using this service you can:

  • monitor the progress of existing applications
  • submit comments about applications (note that these will be published)
  • view a weekly list of applications received and validated
  • view details of some historic applications
  • view property details referenced from a map
  • search for planning appeals and for enforcement action that has been taken

How to register on Public Access

You can register for Public Access by following our simple step-by-step guide below:

  • Step 1: Go to Public Access (Opens in a New Window)   
  • Step 2: Select the Register button from the navigation bar
  • Step 3: Enter your details and follow the registration instructions
  • Step 4: We will send you an email to confirm/activate your account
  • Step 5: Once activated select the Login button             
  • Step 6: Enter your login details             

You are now logged in and can comment and keep track of applications

How to receive notifications on Public Access

You can receive notifications from Public Access by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to Public Access (Opens in a New Window)   
  • Step 2: Enter your login details (if you haven't already registered, see steps above)
  • Step 3: Search for current applications you would like to receive notifications for
  • Step 4: Select the 'Track' button above the Application Summary
  • You will now be notified via email when the tracked application has any status changes.
  • Step 5: You can also use the Map Search to zoom in, view and use the tools to save a search are to be notified on.

Read our advanced Public Access guide (Opens in a New Window)


The Planning team deals with planning applications for a range of developments from householder to major schemes, adverts, and listed building consent, as well as Street Naming and Numbering and Planning Policy.  It also ensures that developments are controlled so that they contribute to the Council's overall objectives and the quality of life for its residents and business community. Please be aware that all stages of processing of applications and enquiries may be subject to delay due to remote working as a result of Coronavirus.

Building Control

Building Regulations applications and payments are processed by Erewash Borough Council on behalf of Broxtowe Borough Council.

For more information visit Erewash Borough Council's Website  (Opens in a New Window) or contact the Building Control Team on 0115 907 2233 or email

Duty Planner/Enquiries

The Duty Planner is available between 10.30am and 12.30pm, Monday to Friday (Tel: 0115 9177777 and ask to speak to the Duty Planner).  Outside these hours, please email general enquiries to and include ‘duty planner’ as the subject of your email including a brief description of your enquiry, the relevant address, your name and your telephone number.  An officer will then contact you, usually the next working day.  If you require a written response to your enquiry, we offer an enquiry service for which a fee would be payable (see form in ‘Useful Information’ below). If you are interested in how your calls are handled we have a flowchart(.pdf)(415KB)(Opens in New Window)(Opens in a New Window).

For help with submitting your planning application, the Business Support team can assist, call 0115 917 3282.

Useful Information

To find your relevant councillor

Useful links for submitting an application/enquiry

The following leaflets and links may also be helpful:

Planning Administration
tel: 0115 917 7777