Trees and Hedges

Information on the care, protection, and maintenance of trees in our area.

Reporting Hedges/Dangerous Trees

You can report Hedges/Dangerous Trees online. (Opens in a New Window)

Please note the Council has a policy for trees in its ownership relating to what works we can do and when we will do the work. 

View the Council's Management Policy for Trees in Council Ownership. (.pdf) (72.9KB) (Opens in a New Window)

Trees are an integral and vital part of our environment that are just as important locally as they are Large Beech Treeglobally. 

Broxtowe Borough contains millions of trees that not only take the form of forests, woods and hedgerows in rural areas but also the trees that line our streets, populate our parks & public spaces and stand in our gardens too.

All trees are a valuable resource that provide us with oxygen, absorb pollution and carbon dioxide, inhibit the sound of traffic, make our urban environment more pleasant and add value to our properties as well as sustaining wild fauna and flora, providing a living link to the past and many other benefits.

The ways trees help us are extensive with benefits that we all probably take for granted but rarely perceive.

Our Work and the Environment

Consideration will always be given by the Borough Council and its Tree Contractors, as to the impact of any tree pruning or felling on local wildlife.

  1. Before undertaking any pruning or felling works the nature conservation value of individual trees is assessed.
  2. All trees are checked for signs of the presence of nesting birds. This is particularly relevant during the period between March and late August. Should a viable nest be discovered all work will stop, the task will be re-evaluated and relevant advice sought.
  3. All trees are checked for signs of the presence of bats. When the presence of bats is suspected all work will stop, the task will be re-evaluated and relevant advice sought.
  4. When a tree provides a protected wildlife habitat yet poses a danger to the public and must be felled or pruned then mitigation measures will be agreed. The safety of the public must be the priority consideration when assessing all tree works.
  5. Tree works will take place over the full calendar year. However on sites where there is likely to be a high environmental impact e.g. Local Nature Reserves work will be scheduled to take place in periods when the impact on local wildlife is minimised.
  6. Dead wood will be left on the ground in habitat piles wherever possible.
  7. Bird and bat boxes are provided when suitable locations are identified.

Find Out More

Free Trees

Residents in Broxtowe can apply for one of 500 free fruit trees this autumn.

Trees in Public Areas

Information on who is responsible for the maintenance of trees in public areas and highways and how to report your concerns.

Trees in Private Ownership

Information on the rules and regulations surrounding trees in private ownership, i.e. your neighbour's trees.

Nuisance Hedges

Information on the rules and regulations surrounding nuisance of high hedges.

Conservation Area Trees

Information on the rules and regulations surrounding work performed on trees in conservation areas.

Tree Preservation Orders

Information on the rules and regulations surrounding work performed on trees with Tree Preservation Orders.

Advice on Hiring Tree Work Contractors

Pruning trees at any height or using dangerous tools are jobs that you should only consider using a skilled arborist (tree surgeon) for.  We've provided some helpful tips to ensure you hire the right person for the job.

Tree and Hedges Useful Links

Links to useful websites and organisations involved with trees, hedges, and arboriculture.

Grounds Maintenance
tel: 0115 917 7777