Fly Posting

'Fly-posting' is the illegal display of advertising material such as posters, placards on buildings and street furniture without the consent of the owner.

Report It

Report fly-posting online (Opens in a New Window)

There are three main types of fly-posting.

  • Photocopied adverts for local events such as car boot sales and bands in pubs.

  • Large, colour posters advertising record releases and concert dates for well-known musicians and pop stars.

  • Posters displayed by political organisations or pressure groups.

Fly-posting on private land is the responsibility of the landowner.

Fly-posting is:

  • Illegal - and clearing it up costs money

  • Unsightly - fly-posting is a sign of a neglected neighbourhood and is associated with increased levels of crime and the fear of crime.

  • Unsafe - some types of fly-posting, particularly placards can cause a danger to pedestrians and road users.

The sooner you report fly-posting to us the quicker we can remove it.

Reporting people involved in fly-posting

People who put up fly-posters are doing something illegal. Do not approach them - they don't want to get caught and could be violent. If you see someone fly-posting, make a note of the following and report it to us above:

  • The date, time and place where it happened

  • What the fly-posters look like and how much there is

  • A description of any vehicles involved and the vehicle registration if possible.

What is Broxtowe Borough Council doing about fly-posting?

We aim to respond to reports of fly-posting within 2 working days.

We can remove any poster or placard displayed in contravention of the Advertisements Regulations by using the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and any sign or picture attached to street furniture or on the public highway using the Highways Act 1980.

Broxtowe Borough Council will prosecute anyone that is caught erecting fly-posting.

Neighbourhood Wardens
tel: 0115 917 3142