Buy Back Scheme

Information on the Broxtowe Borough Councils Buy Back Scheme.

Acquisition of existing properties (Buy Backs)

The Council would like to hear from you if you own an ex-council house or flat and are wishing to sell. We will, at no cost to you, carry out a survey of your home to see if this is something that can be added back in to our existing stock of Council properties. We will also arrange an independent valuation of the property at current market value and will aim to offer as close to the valuation depending on the condition. Once back in Council ownership, the properties are used to provide housing for those on the Council’s housing register.

We obtain our own independent valuations and pay the current market value for the properties.

If you would like us to consider buying your property, a request will need to be made in writing which includes the following information:

  • Owner’s name
  • Full address and post code
  • Contact details
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Type of heating (gas, electric etc.)
  • Any alterations on the property. For example, loft conversations, conservatories etc.

For further information, please contact the Housing Property Officer or email

Example of Request

‘'’Dear Housing

I would like you consider my property for the Buy-Back scheme.

The house I am selling is Fake Street, Nottingham, Eastwood, NG16 9DB.

Property details

  • My property has 4 bedrooms: 2 doubles and 2 single.
  • The heating of the property is gas and the boiler is a combi.
  • There has been one alteration to the property. We have fitted a conservatory.
  • I own the property

My contact details are: Mr John Smith. Home  number 0115 123 4567. Mobile  number 07111 123 4567. Post address is the one above. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely

John Smith’’


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