Find a Garage

This page contains information about renting or paying for Council garages.

Apply for a Garage

Landscape view of ghosthouse garages in broxtowe. With branch in front.

To apply for a Council garage, complete the online application form (Opens in a New Window), or contact the Housing Department if you would like to be sent a paper copy of the application form.

Once your application has been received your details will be added to the waiting list and an acknowledgement will be sent to you.  Garages are allocated in date order of applications being received.

The waiting times for garages vary depending on the site applied for, as some are more popular than others.

Pay Garage Rent

You can pay your garage rent:

The payments page provides further details on payment methods.

Application Eligibility

a landscape picture of griesdale court garages, with fluffy clouds above

Anyone can apply for a Council garage but priority is given to Council tenants.

Start of Tenancy

Garage tenancies start on the date the tenancy agreement is signed.

Price of Rents

For Broxtowe Council Tenants and Leaseholders: The current rent from April 2024 to March 2025 is £40.85 per month (VAT not applicable).

For Broxtowe Residents: The current rent from April 2024 to March 2025 is £49.02 per month (inclusive of VAT).

If you are a Council Tenant you do not have to pay VAT on your garage rent. If you are not a Council Tenant you will have to pay VAT on top of the rental charge.


Garages can be used for motor vehicles and general storage only, and not for commercial activities.

Petrol or other flammable materials must not be stored in the garage.

List of Garages

Site Location No. of Garage Complexes
Beeston 6
Brinsley 1
Chilwell 24
Eastwood 1
Kimberley 1
Newthorpe 1
Nuthall 1
Stapleford 26
Toton 2
Trowell 1
Watnall 3

Silver car in chilwell garage

Storage and gym equipment in garage


Ending a Garage Tenancy

A month's notice is required if you want to terminate the tenancy of your garage. 

Complete the online Garage Termination Form (Opens in a New Window)

Your keys will need to be handed in on the last day of the month and your garage must be empty.  A charge will be made if the garage needs to be cleared after the tenancy has ended.

tel: 0115 917 3935