Tenant Safety
- Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
- Domestic Abuse
- Crime Prevention
- Broxtowe Mediation Partnership
- Fire Safety
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
What is (and isn’t) ASB
Anti-social behaviour is a broad term used to describe the day to day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that makes many people's lives a misery.
Many incidents of anti-social behaviour that aren’t very serious can be easily resolved by discussing the effects of the behaviour with the person causing the nuisance. If you need support to start a discussion make use of The Broxtowe Mediation Partnership (Opens in a New Window)
A good neighbour should be reasonably tolerant and understanding of the different lifestyles and cultures of others. Not everything that disturbs you is anti-social behaviour. Sometimes you may be able to hear day to day household noise or children playing. Equally someone may be parked lawfully in unrestricted areas. This is not usually deliberate and it is unlikely that Broxtowe Borough Council will investigate.
- noise, like loud music or televisions
- groups of people being noisy, shouting and arguing
- persistent pet noise and dog fouling
- harassment, verbal abuse or threatening behaviour – in and around the property
- vehicle nuisance – at unreasonable times and on a persistent basis
- garden complaints- overgrown gardens, dumped furniture
- graffiti
Anti-social behaviour can include serious criminal incidents such as:
- drug dealing
- violence and threats of intimidation
- hate crime
- criminal damage
- alcohol related nuisance
Reporting ASB
Broxtowe Tenancy Services Team will investigate complaints of anti-social behaviour being caused by a Broxtowe Borough Council tenant. To discuss concerns of anti-social behaviour the Tenancy Services Team can be contact either by phone on 0115 9173400 or email tenancy@broxtowe.gov.uk
If your complaint is about someone who is not a tenant, please contact the Communities Team. Anti Social Behaviour (broxtowe.gov.uk)
You should never retaliate or fight back if your neighbour causes you nuisance.
Any criminal behaviour should be reported to Nottinghamshire Police straight away, especially if you do not feel safe.
Call 999 if the problem is an emergency or call 101 for non-emergencies or crimes that have already happened. The police have powers to deal with anti-social behaviour. When you speak to the police ask for a crime number or incident number, write it down and advise your Housing Officer.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse isn't just physical. It's about someone you know trying to control your life. This could be a partner, ex-partner, or someone in the family. It can be financial, psychological, emotional or sexual. Find out more about the Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Broxtowe.
Make a Stand Pledge
The Council has signed the Chartered Institute of Housing’s pledge to “Make a Stand” and commit to supporting people experiencing domestic abuse.
The Make a Stand pledge focuses on 4 key areas:
- Put in place and embed a policy to support residents who are affected by domestic abuse
- Make information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on our website and in other appropriate places so that they are easily accessible for residents and staff
- Put in place a HR policy, or amend an existing policy, to support members of staff who may be experiencing domestic abuse
- Appoint a champion at a senior level in our organisation to own the activity we are doing to support people experiencing domestic abuse
Visit the ''Make a Stand'' website (Opens in a New Window) for more information.
Crime Prevention
It is important that you remain vigilant against crime, particularly in Independent Living schemes. There are a number of techniques that you can use to protect yourself and your home.
For guidance on how to protect yourself and your home from crime, please visit our Crime, Safety and Emergencies webpage.
Broxtowe Mediation Partnership
The Partnership offers free, impartial and unbiased support to individuals to help them explore ways in which their conflict may be resolved. It's a safe, neutral and non-judgmental environment where you feel safe to talk through issues with a view to long term resolution.
This a partnership between Citizen Advice Broxtowe, Broxtowe Youth Homeless and Broxtowe Borough Council.
Find out how you can access the service by visiting Broxtowe Mediation Partnership website (Opens in a New Window).
Fire Safety
Small fires are common, causing serious injuries and extensive damage to property and possessions. By following a few simple steps and maintaining a basic level of awareness you can considerably reduce the chances of fire in your home.
Following these simple tips can help to keep your family and property safe:
- Test your fire alarm once a week
- Ensure fire doors are shut at all times
- Take extra care in the kitchen - accidents while cooking account for over half of fires in homes
- Don’t overload electrical sockets
- Don’t leave electrical appliances on standby
Residents sometimes see communal areas as an extension of their home and store combustible material within them. Some examples of items found include:
- Recycling materials
- Mobility scooters
- Unwanted furniture, bedding and clothing
- Scooters, motorbikes and bicycles
To protect tenants within your building, please ensure that the communal areas are free of obstructions such as these, as well as flammable liquids, at all times.
For full guidance on how to maximise fire safety, please visit the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue website. (Opens in a New Window)