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An abacus and collection of paints

Talk about us…

The D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum is a real hidden gem, so help us raise our profile by telling all your friends and family about your visit with us.

You can even tell the world what you thought on our TripAdvisor page (Opens in a new window).


Donations, no matter how small, help us to invest in the Museum and preserving local heritage.

Donations are ring-fenced and used towards projects which improve the museum’s offering. Often this is in the form of match-funding when applying for outside grants and so your donation has a bigger impact than you might think. Most funding applications require 10% match-funding, and so if you donate £1, this helps the museum to get £10 towards exciting new projects. 

Previous projects have included conservation of valuable artefacts, education provision and our latest project will see the museum set up as an Arts Award Centre. 

If you would like to donate to the Museum, please contact us.

Give to our Museum Collections

A lot of the collection on display at the Museum are in our care due to the generosity of members of the public, who have so kindly donated over the years since the Museum first began.

Our current emphasis is on collecting objects, books, photographs, pictures or documents relating to D.H. Lawrence and his family. Recent wonderful additions have been a tea service belonging to the Lawrence family and an original painting by Lawrence's early love, Jessie Chambers.

If you think you might have an item that we would be interested in, please contact us.

D.H Lawrence Birthplace Museum
tel: 0115 917 3824