- Safeguarding
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting a person's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
You may have concerns about someone you know, or they could be a stranger. You may be a child or a vulnerable adult who is being abused or worried about a friend's safety.
Sometimes it is the situations children or vulnerable adults live in that can be harmful to them, for example living with parents or carers who misuse drugs/alcohol, or are involved in domestic violence.
If you have concerns about a child's or vulnerable adult's safety there are people who will listen to you. Protecting children and vulnerable adults is everybody's business. Please do something. YOU can make a difference.
Reporting Safeguarding Concerns
Nottinghamshire County Council are the lead agency for adult and children's safeguarding referrals.
If you think a child or adult is at risk of abuse, don't ignore it.
Please report any incidents to Nottinghamshire County Council on 0300 500 80 80 or via the following forms:
Report concern about a child (Opens in a New Window)
Report concern about a vulnerable adult (Opens in a New Window)
If you require an urgent response outside of working hours (08:30-17:00), contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546.
In an emergency call 999, otherwise to report a crime call 101.
In order to deal with your concern, the team you speak to may need to contact you in the future. While you do not have to give your name when reporting safeguarding concerns, the teams may not be able to progress a case without your details and it can help if the person you are talking to knows your relationship to the person you are referring. If you are concerned about anonymity, please do speak to them about it as it is better to tell someone you are concerned and not give your name than to remain silent.
- Safeguarding Adults Policy 2022.pdf (pdf) (447.57 KB)
- Indicators of Child Abuse Leaflet (pdf) (111.69 KB)
- Survivors Support Services Leaflet.pdf (pdf) (490.02 KB)
- Safeguarding Children Policy 2022.pdf (pdf) (359.95 KB)
- East Midlands Children and Young People's Sexual Assault Service Leaflet.pdf (pdf) (297.94 KB)
- Safeguarding Adults Easy Read Guide (pdf) (842.34 KB)
- Vulnerable Person Policy (pdf) (1.58 MB)