Hate Crime

Information on Broxtowe Borough Council's approach to Hate Crime.

The Borough of Broxtowe is No Place For Hate. No To Hate Crime.

Hate crimes and hate incidents

In most crimes, it is something the victim has in their possession or control that motivates the offender to commit the crime. With hate crime it is ‘who’ the victim is, or ‘what’ the victim appears to be that motivates the offender to commit the crime.

A hate crime is defined as 'Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.'

A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.

Evidence of the hate element is not a requirement. You do not need to personally perceive the incident for it to be hate related. It would be enough if another person, a witness or even a police officer thought that the incident was hate related. 

Nottinghamshire Hate Crime Pledge

In Nottinghamshire we recognise that everybody has a role to play in tackling hate and discrimination and in promoting communities which are safe for all.

By signing this pledge, we are committing ourselves and the organisations for which we work, whether they are from the statutory, voluntary, community or private sectors, to create a Nottinghamshire that says ‘’No to Hate!’.

Say ’No to Hate!’ Organisational Pledge

I pledge on behalf of my organisation that we will:

  1. Be mindful of the language used by our organisation, our behaviour, to reduce the likelihood of causing offence, and act inclusively in our dealings with people so no-one feels left out.
  2. Challenge inappropriate language/banter within our personal, social and work environments and speak out against all forms of prejudice and discrimination.
  3. Be a visible advocate for those experiencing hate crime/incidents and do our best to tackle prejudice and to stop those who, because of hate or ignorance, would hurt anyone or violate their dignity.
  4. Try at all times to be aware of our own prejudices and seek to gain understanding of those who we may perceive as being different from ourselves.
  5. Reach out to support those who are targets of hate, recognising that small acts of kindness to those at risk of being victims of hate crime/incidents make a difference.
  6. Encourage all our employees to behave in the manner outlined above; ensure all our employees are trained to be aware of hate crime issues and know how to respond to victims who report incidents.
  7. Share information about hate crimes that come to the attention of our organisation with the Safer Nottinghamshire Board Hate Crime Steering Group to contribute to creating a better picture of hate crime in the County and City.
  8. Ensure that policies and procedures developed within our organisation deal effectively with hate crime or incidents that occur, whether against members or the public or staff or between employees in the workplace.
  9. Think about specific ways our organisation and all those who work for us can promote respect for all people and make Nottinghamshire a place where people feel safe.
  10. Promote and implement policies in our organisation that promote diversity and equality and challenge all forms of discrimination.

We know that one person can make a difference and that everyone has a part to play in achieving equality and social justice.

By signing this pledge, we commit ourselves to leading an organisation that says ‘No to Hate!’

How to report a hate incident or crime

You can report a hate crime through the organisations listed below:

How Broxtowe Borough Council Deals with Hate Crime Incidents

Our vision recognises that hate incidents and hate crimes are always serious and can sometimes be life-threatening.  They affect victims, families and the communities they live and work in. We aim to make Broxtowe a safer place to live, work and visit; and we will not tolerate hate incidents and hate crimes, and, we will work together to reduce risk and improve services to victims.

tel: 0115 917 3492