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- Tier 3 Business Grant Form
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Find out about
Current flood warnings
There are currently no flood warnings in place.
How you can help
Please help emergency services by following the advice below:
- Only travel if necessary in the flood areas.
- Don’t ignore a flood warning or a road closure sign.
- Do not try to enter flood water in case of hidden hazards such as lifted manhole covers.
- River flooding is very likely so stay away from swollen rivers.
Risk to life
If there is an immediate risk to life or health, contact the emergency services, call 999.
If there is a health emergency or ongoing medical conditions because of a flood, contact your local GP or call 999 depending on the severity of your situation.
How to find the most up to date information
View road closures on the County disruption page https://orlo.uk/Disruption_tJUUb
Read flooding advice and information, including what to do during a flood https://orlo.uk/Flooding_7dNw6
Check flood alerts and warnings in your area https://orlo.uk/Warnings_P54ah
Stay safe and remember, if there is a danger to life, call the emergency services on 999.
Travel Information
Road closures here for A roads and here for Nottinghamshire roads.
Check before you travel using Net Tram's social media channels and website
Check before you travel using the Trentbarton Facebook and Twitter
Check for CT4N service updates via their Twitter and website
People should check their flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation at https://www.gov.uk/check-if-youre-at-risk-of-flooding
Flooding from a river, reservoir, or coastal water
Please contact the Environment Agency via:
- The Environment Agency Flood line, call 0345 988 1188
- The Environment Agency Incident Hotline, call 0800 80 70 60
Information for properties affected by flooding
Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Funding
Residential and business property owners affected by flooding between 19 and 25 October 2023 only may be able to apply for up to £5,000 of grant funding. The funding is a contribution towards remedial work to protect properties from future flooding. A £800 contribution towards a property survey is included in the £5,000.
In order to proceed with the scheme please be aware that you will need to make a payment to Nottinghamshire County Council of £840.00 for a survey. If you proceed and complete the recommended work then the County Council will refund £800.00 back to you. If you do not proceed with the work no payment will be refunded. The County Council will only accept recommendations from their own surveyor so you will have to make this payment to proceed with the grant application.
Key Criteria
- Only applies to flooded properties during Storm Babet (19.10.23 to 25.10.23)
- Up to £5,000 (inc VAT) per affected property which includes a maximum £500 survey contribution.
- A property survey is required and the cost must be paid upfront by the property owner to Nottinghamshire County Council.
- Property owners will need to apply for the grant to Broxtowe Borough Council (see link below).
- Property owners must have reported their flooded property information to their local District or Borough Council or via Nottinghamshire County Council Flood Team team@nottscc.gov.uk or telephone Amy Perry (0115 8042163)
The deadline for reporting affected properties was Sunday 21 January 2024
- Any funding awards will be paid directly to the approved contractor who will be completing the survey and remedial works. Nottinghamshire County Council will appoint the approved contractor to complete the agreed works.
- Money will not be reimbursed if works are not completed. Funding is given for improvements to reduce future flood damage and is not compensation for Storm Babet.
- Properties which have previously received PFR Repair Grant funding are not eligible to apply again, unless exceptional circumstances apply; please speak with your own local District or Borough Council if this applies to you.
- Change of property ownership does not permit additional PFR funding.
If you wish to apply for this grant please complete our online form(Opens in a New Window).
More information can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website(Opens in a New Window).
The PFR Repair Grant Funding Scheme ends on 1 August 2025, however property owners must make an application for the funding as soon as possible to ensure the remedial works are completed by this time.
Preparing for a flood
Flood alerts
In many flood risk areas, you can sign up for flood warnings. These warn of the risk of flooding from rivers, the sea and groundwater. You’ll be alerted by phone, email or text when flooding is expected.
The Environment Agency issue three levels of flood warning:
Flood alert - Prepare
- prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
- check flood warnings
Flood warning - Act
- turn off gas, water and electricity
- move things upstairs or to safety
- move family, pets and car to safety
Severe flood warning - Survive
- call 999 if in immediate danger
- follow advice from emergency services
- keep yourself and your family safe
Requesting sandbags
If your home is at risk of flooding and you are unable to acquire your own sandbags, we may be able to help. Where possible please source your own from local providers such as DIY shops and builders’ merchants, as we prioritise our stocks for vulnerable and elderly people in our communities.
Unfortunately, the Council and fellow local authorities will not be able to respond to all sandbag requests if flooding is widespread. In such instances, priority will be given to those residents that are most at risk and unable to help themselves.
Sandbags will be provided to avoid internal flooding of homes but not for protecting gardens or outbuildings such as sheds, summerhouses or garages.
It is unlikely that sandbags will be provided to businesses as we must prioritise support to those most vulnerable during a flood.
If you do receive sandbags from any agency, please retain them for future use.
Further guidance on flooding is available from: