Debate Not Hate

Broxtowe Borough Council supports bid to tackle abuse and intimidation against Councillors.

The vulnerability of elected representatives has been at the forefront of the political sphere in recent years with high profile incidents like the murders of Jo Cox MP and Sir David Amess MP.

The most recent Local Government Association Councillor Census revealed 7 in 10 Councillors reported experiencing abuse and intimidation within the last 12 months and one in 10 experienced abuse frequently. 

Broxtowe Councillors agreed to work together on a cross-party basis to set an example of healthy debate and denounce abusive or threatening behaviour from anyone within the community on social media and in-person.

The Council has also pledged to support the LGA's Debate not Hate campaign to remind everyone that while democracy thrives on good, frank discussions these should never turn into personal abuse.

Read more about the impact abuse has on Local Government and what more can be done to help in the Local Government Debate Not Hate report(Opens in a New Window)

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