• Safety Advisory Group

Safety Advisory Group

Information on Broxtowe Borough Council's Safety Advisory Group.

Introduction to the Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is coordinated and chaired by Broxtowe Borough Council and made up of representatives from different the local authority services, the Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Ambulance) and Transport Authorities. If you're organizing a large event within the Borough, you need to tell us about it as it may require consideration from our Safety Advisory Group (SAG). 

SAG provide a forum for discussing and advising on public safety at events. They encourage cooperation and coordination between all relevant agencies to help organisers with their planning and management through specialist advice. 

The objectives of the group are to:

  • promote high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice
  • promote good practice in safety and welfare planning for events
  • ensure events cause minimal adverse impact

It is important to note, event organisers and others involved in the running of an event, retain the principal legal duties for ensuring public safety and members of SAG will not accept or adopt any responsibilities of the organiser. It is also not the role of SAG to assist in the planning of an event or writing of plans.

SAGs are non-statutory bodies and so do not have legal powers or responsibilities and are not empowered to ‘rubber stamp’ event management safety plans, approve or prohibit events from taking place. Permission for events to go ahead remains with the landowner or responsible department with whom the booking has been made.

Requirements for Safety Advisory Group Involvement

A SAG may be appropriate for a wide range of events, but specifically events which are:

  • Take place on land owned by Broxtowe Council 
  • Large in scale – a mass gathering of over 2000 people
  • Have hazardous elements to them
  • Have never been delivered before in the Borough
  • Have a significant public profile

The SAG is hosted by a Chair from Broxtowe Borough Council.  The following partners are core members of the SAG:

Internal partners (Broxtowe Borough Council)

  • Licensing
  • Environmental Health (health and safety & food safety/noise)
  • Communications ,Culture & Civic activities
  • Health, Safety & Emergency Planning

External partners

  • Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Nottinghamshire Police (Force Operational Planning &Licensing)
  • Nottinghamshire Tram Network
  • Highways (VIA)

Depending on the size, location and nature of the event not all partners may be in attendance at a SAG meeting. Additional partners may also attend depending on the size and nature of the event.

The SAG recommends that Event Organisers hold a debrief meeting after the event to review how the event went and to make recommendations for improvements as necessary.  Findings from this meeting and changes to future similar events will be required to be provided at subsequent SAGs and will inform your revised EMSP.

Planning a temporary road closure

If you are planning to apply for a temporary road closure VIA East Midlands can provide some guidance notes and an application form to complete. Before you apply, you need to think about why you want a road closure contactus@viaem.co.uk 

Tell Us About Your Event

Before submitting your event information and all supporting documentation please read THE PURPLE GUIDE as the organisation of an event is a considerable responsibility. If things go wrong organisers may be held responsible under civil, common or criminal law, particularly if it’s found there is something wrong with the planning or control of the event.

In the first instance event organisers should register their event with Broxtowe Borough Council, by completing a  event notification form .   Completed forms along with a copy of the organisations public liability insurance and risk assessment, plus all supporting documents such as an event management safety (EMSP) plan should be returned to safetyadvisorygroup@broxtowe.gov.uk.  This will help the SAG decide what level of involvement they need to have.

The SAG will then assess the event using the information you have provided with your EMSP and decide how to proceed from there. All Event Notification Forms and supporting Information must be submitted 3 months prior to your event. 

Supporting Documents

  • Risk assessments
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • Fire Safety Plan
  • Medical and First Aid Plan
  • Insurance cover
  • Licenses (TENS and PREMISES)
  • A contingency plan for dealing with major incidents or unexpected events
  • Statement of Intent which sets out the responsibilities of the relevant individuals and organisations involved in the event.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene arrangements (including a list of proposed traders)
  • Water supply, sanitation and waste management arrangements

Statutory Provisions

Broxtowe Borough Council are the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003 and the enforcing authority for food safety legislation for food businesses trading in Broxtowe Borough Council.


SAG Meeting Dates 2024/25

Wednesday 22 January  13:30 15:30
Wednesday 26 February 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 26 March 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 23 April 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 28 May 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 25 June 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 23 July 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 27 August 13:30 15:30
Wednesday 24 September 13:30 15:30



Safety Advisory Group