• Safety Advisory Group

Safety Advisory Group

Information on Broxtowe Borough Council's Safety Advisory Group.

If you're organising a large event within the Borough, you need to tell us about it as it may require consideration from our Safety Advisory Group (SAG).

It is the aim of the group to assist and advise event organisers to achieve reasonable standards of public safety at events taking place within Broxtowe Borough Council, safeguarding the well-being of all residents and visitors at those public events and ensuring that, as far as reasonably practicable, any inconvenience to residents, businesses and the general public arising from such events is minimised. 

In order to achieve this, we maintain a Borough SAG comprised of various partner agencies which offer specialist advice on issues related to public safety.

Tell Us About Your Event

Fill in an event notification form with basic information about you and your event or email safetyadvisorygroup@broxtowe.gov.uk. This will help the SAG decide what level of involvement they need to have.

The SAG will then assess the event using the information you have provided and decide how to proceed from there.

Requirements for Safety Advisory Group Involvement

A SAG may be appropriate for a wide range of events, but specifically events which are:

  • Large in scale – a mass gathering of over 2000 people
  • Have hazardous elements to them
  • Have never been delivered before in the Borough
  • Have a significant public profile

Statutory Provisions

Licensing and Food Safety

We are the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003 and the enforcing authority for food safety legislation for food businesses trading in Broxtowe Borough Council.

Event Organisers cannot rely on the SAG process to discharge its legal responsibilities; those legal responsibilities should be identified and controlled by the event organisers.

Role of the Safety Advisory Group

An important role of the SAG is to bring all relevant partners together to plan and prepare for the event in a co-ordinated way. The SAG is there in an advisory capacity to provide independent advice to event organisers.

SAG requirements will vary depending on the proposed event therefore it is advisable to contact us at the earliest opportunity.

The SAG members will review the documents submitted by the Event Organiser:

  • Event Management Plan
  • Risk assessments
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • Fire Safety Plan
  • First Aid Plan
  • Insurance cover
  • Licenses
  • A contingency plan for dealing with major incidents or unexpected events
  • Statement of Intent which sets out the responsibilities of the relevant individuals and organisations involved in the event.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene arrangements (including a list of proposed traders)
  • Water supply, sanitation and waste management arrangements

The SAG recommends that Event Organisers hold a debrief meeting after the event to review how the event went and to make recommendations for improvements as necessary.  Findings from this meeting and changes to future similar events will be required to be provided at subsequent SAGs.

Safety Advisory Group