Green Festival

Broxtowe's Green Festivals

What is a Green Festival?

Our Green Festivals are a series of events designed to educate and engage with communities, helping them to make more sustainable choices in their day-to-day lives.

The events are free to attend, and with various stalls managed by local people, small businesses and groups, there are plenty of fun activities for all ages - including arts and crafts, music, local food vendors and games.

Green Zone at Hemlock Happening 

Thank you to everyone who attended Hemlock Happening 2024 and came along to see our Environment and Parks Teams at our Green Zone. With nearly 9,000 of you in attendance it's been the biggest and best yet!

 We'd also like to thank our fantastic stallholders that took part:

  • NG16 Help Hedgehogs
  • Green Doctor
  • Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
  • RideWise
  • Mary Broddle’s embroidery for wellbeing
  • Weleda UK
  • Little Bean Homemade
  • T4 Sustainability
  • Canopy 2050


Green Festival 2024 coming soon... 

Last year, more than 300 people joined us at our Green Festival 2023 to learn about how we can be more environmentally friendly and tackle climate change, whilst supporting local businesses and community groups. 

We had a brilliant range of stallholders from food, to arts and crafts, and even pedal powered smoothie making! With over 30 stalls it was the biggest Green Festival Broxtowe Borough Council has hosted.

Keep an eye out on our platforms as we will be sharing news about Green Festival 2024 very soon. If you didn’t get a chance to attend last year or if you’re interested in having a stall to promote your sustainable business or community group, please get in touch at 

When we come together to act on climate change, we can all make a big impact. #SmallChangeBigDifference

If you have any questions please email 

tel: 0115 917 7777