Residents with Disabilities

Information on services and support provided to residents of the Borough with disabilities.

Supporting People With Disabilities




Independent Living ServiceIndependent Living Service Logo

For residents with a degree of disability that makes their present home unsuitable, you may be eligible for accommodation as part of our Independent Living Service. These special flats and bungalows are designed to allow you to maintain your independence but provide the additional support you may require.

Find out more about the benefits of the Independent Living Service and see whether it is right for you.

Lifeline Service Logo


If you have a disability or illness and you live in the Borough of Broxtowe you are eligible for inclusion on our Lifeline waiting list. The special unit connects through your phone and comes with a pendant to wear around your wrist or neck. When the pendant is activated, a specialist team will be called to provide support and assistance.

Find out more about Lifeline.

Council Tax Icon

Council Tax Discounts

If an adult or a child in a household needs more space or a room to meet specific needs because of their disability, the household may be entitled to a reduction in Council Tax.

The person must be substantially and permanently disabled and one of the following must apply:

  • An extra bathroom or kitchen
  • If they need to use a wheelchair inside on a regular basis
  • A room, but not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet that is used mainly for meeting the disabled person's needs. A downstairs living or sitting room used as a bedroom does not qualify

You may be visited by a member of the Council Tax Team and we may also contact your doctor, occupational therapist or social worker. Your income does not affect this reduction but we will need to confirm each year that your circumstances haven't changed.

Download a Disabled Person Reduction Application Form (.pdf) (42.1KB) (Opens in a New Window)

For more information and for any specific enquiries please contact the Council Tax Team on 0115 917 7777.

Aids and Adaptations

Adaptations to your home may help you to remain living independently and safely. If you have a disability and live in the county of Nottinghamshire you are eligible to have certain aids and adaptations fitted in your home. 

Find out more about the Aids and Adaptations services.

Assisted Collections

Moving full refuse bins can be challenging if you have certain disabilities. If you struggle getting your bin in and out, our bin men are able to collect your bins and glass bags from a specified location. Before you can be added to our Assisted Collections register, a member of staff will need to visit your home to evaluate your needs.

Please call 0115 917 7777 or email for more information.

County Council Support

Nottinghamshire County Council provides specific tips, tricks, and information for people with disabilities. This includes information on how to avoid falls and fractures (Opens in a New Window), welfare benefits (Opens in a New Window), keeping warm in winter (Opens in a New Window), equipment which may help you (Opens in a New Window) and more.

The Borough of Broxtowe is No Place For Hate. No To Hate Crime.

Hate Crime

Disabled residents may find themselves subject to incidents motivated by prejudice or hate. Broxtowe Borough Council takes a firm stance against Hate Crimes and we work to reduce risk and improve services for victims.

Find out more about Broxtowe’s approach to hate crimes.

Customer Services
tel: 0115 917 7777