Stapleford Towns Fund - FAQ
What is the Stapleford Town Deal?
In September 2019, it was announced that £3.6bn is being made available to regenerate more than 100 towns across the UK. Stapleford was chosen as one of the towns to receive funding, with each town set to receive up to £25m worth of investment in a number of areas. Stapleford is receiving £21m.
What are the areas of investment that the Towns Fund will focus on?
As set out by the government in their Towns Fund prospectus, there are three areas identified for the investment:
- Urban regeneration, planning and land use
- Skills and enterprise infrastructure
- Connectivity
How did you come up with the six projects?
Broxtowe Borough Council ran public consultation surveys in January and February 2020 which gathered the views of people across Stapleford. ‘Better / new community facilities’ was the most frequent suggestion from the community and was prioritised by the Stakeholder Group at the end of February 2020.
Those who submitted their views indicated that a new leisure facility is essential, with the majority agreeing that the current recreational and leisure offering fails to meet the needs of the community.
The proposed development of Stapleford’s cycle infrastructure also received excellent feedback, with the majority of residents agreeing that they would use a new cycle network to travel to and around Stapleford by bike.
The majority of the responses received during our consultation around the six projects said that the plans address the issues that the town faces.
How can I get involved?
The people of Stapleford are the heart of the town and ensuring the plans reflect their needs is a top priority. While the scope for the six projects has been agreed in principle there will be lots of opportunities for people to get involved.
The Stapleford Towns Board was set up as the decision-making body to develop the Town Investment Plan bid and govern the successful delivery of its Towns Fund projects.
It is made up of residents and representatives from local businesses, environmental and transport organisations, local and regional government, universities and colleges, NHS, sports providers and others. We are in the process of reviewing the membership of the Board and soon to be newly selected members to the Board.
We welcome local residents and businesses constructive feedback on any of the six projects we are in the process of delivering. Community Consultation Events linked to specific projects have been organised and well attended by the local community. We aim to organise more of these types of events in the future to ensure that the people of Stapleford can engage and get involved with specific projects.