Safer Cycling Scheme

Information about the Safer Cycling Scheme, part of the £21.1m Stapleford Towns Fund.

Safer Cycling Scheme

We want a Stapleford where everything’s within easy reach. We want to build a joined-up transport network for all, which enables more people to travel sustainably and this project support our ambitions to:

  • Promote positive health outcomes through walking and cycling
  • Cut congestion and reduces carbon impact
  • Gives people the ability to meet most of their daily needs within a 20-minute walk from home, with safe cycling and local transport options

Two of three projects are complete, supporting and encouraging more people of all ages to travel sustainably:

  • Our hugely successful Stapleford Cycle Hub opened at the Ilkeston Road Recreation Ground in November 2022, helping thousands of people with free repairs and advice.
  • A cycle training track opened in April 2023 for confidence and skill building, well used by families and young people.
  • And work is due to start in 2024 on the infrastructure to help people travel safely around our town.


You can find out more about this scheme in our short video below.

