Planning Applications & Advice

Development management involves the managing of building and engineering operations or changes in the use of land and buildings.

Planning permission is not always required and there are circumstances where the works are either not development requiring planning permission or are permitted development. The rules that govern this can be complex and need to be the subject of specific enquiries.  The council provides a pre-application advice service(.pdf) (130KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in New Window), but there are fees(.pdf) (246KB) (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in New Window) for this.

For general planning enquiries, there is a 'duty planner' service available between 10:30am and 12:30pm. 

If you do need a planning application, you can apply through the Planning Portal (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in New Window). For help with submitting your planning application or general enquiries about the procedures, the planning administration team can assist.

If you wish to search for a planning application, you can do this through our Find a Planning Application. (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in New Window)

The council has set out to provide an efficient development management service but is also concerned that the outcomes of the service are of the right quality.  The Development Management Standard (.pdf) (598KB) (Open in new window) (Opens in New Window) sets out the service you can expect from us.

Planning is a transparent practice, and all comments received as part of the planning application process will therefore be made available to view on request. All confidential information (names, addresses, emails and signatures) will be redacted before this information is shared.

You may find the leaflets below useful:

Planning Administration
tel: 0115 917 7777