- Dangerous Structures or Demolitions
Dangerous Structures or Demolitions
The prime concern of the Building Control section in all aspects of its work is public safety. This is nowhere more obvious or important than our work concerning dangerous buildings and structures, as well as demolitions.
Dangerous Structures
Where a building or structure is in such a condition that it may place people in danger, the Borough council have legal powers under the provisions of the Building Act 1984 to investigate and to take appropriate action to ensure the danger is removed or made safe.
Buildings can and do become dangerous for many reasons, usually through age, neglect, as the result of a fire, vehicle impact or inclement weather, such as roof tiles being blown off in high winds.
To report concerns about a possible dangerous building or structure, please contact Erewash Building Control (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window) on 0115 907 2233 or email buildingcontrol@erewash.gov.uk
Anyone intending to demolish the whole or part of a building is, subject to certain exceptions, required to give notice to the Authority under Section 80 of the Building Act 1984.
For more information and advice there is the Erewash Building Control Demolition - Control and Advice webpage. (Opens in a New Window) (Opens in a New Window)