- Premises License Applications
Premises License Applications
- Application for a Premises Licence (.docx) (47.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application for a Premises Licence – Vessel (.docx) (46.2KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for Premises License To Be Published (.docx) (14.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for Premises Licence Form A (.docx) (13.9KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for Premises Licence Form B (.docx) (9KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application for a Provisional Statement (.docx) (44.2KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application for a Provisional Statement – Vessel (.docx) (47.6KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for a Provisional Statement To Be Published (.docx) (14.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for a Provisional Statement Form A (.docx) (13.9KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application for a Provisional Statement Form B (.docx) (14.3KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application for the Reinstatement of a Premises Licence (.docx) (44KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice for Reinstatement of Premises Licence Form A (.docx) (14.3KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice for Reinstatement of Premises Licence Form B (.docx) (14.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application to Transfer a Premises Licence (.docx) (45.8KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application to Transfer Form A (.docx) (14KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application to Transfer Form B (.docx) (14.6KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application to Vary a Premises Licence (.docx) (46.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application to Vary To Be Published (.docx) (14.5KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application to Vary Form A (.docx) (14KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of Application to Vary Form B (.docx) (20.1KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Application for the Review of a Premises Licence (.docx) (30.6KB) (Opens in a New Window)
- Notice of an Application for Review (.docx) (19.3KB) (Opens in a New Window)
View Guidance on Premises Licence Applications (.pdf) (90KB) (Opens in a New Window)
Are You Eligible?
If you run any of the following, you will need to apply for a Premises Licence.
Casino premises
Bingo premises
Betting premises, Including tracks
Adult gaming centres
Family entertainment centres
How We Process Your Application
All application forms should be sent to:
Licensing Department
Broxtowe Borough Council
Foster Avenue
The Gambling Commission is responsible for issuing operating licences under the Gambling Act 2005 to organisations and individuals who are providing facilities for gambling.
It also issues personal licences to certain categories of people working in the gambling industry. The Commission requires key employees in certain management positions to hold a personal licence.
Except in the case of tracks (where the occupier of the track who holds the operating licence may not be the person who actually offers the gambling) premises licences may only be issued to people with a relevant gambling operating licence or who are in the process of applying for an operator's licence.
For example, to obtain a bingo premises licence the applicant must hold a bingo operating licence. Premises licences are only transferable to someone else holding a valid operating licence.
Find out more about Appeals and Complaints
View the Gambling Act 2005 (Opens in a New Window)