Ratings for licensed animal activity businesses

The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 - Star Ratings

All premises undertaking certain activities involving animals (such as cat and dog boarding and selling animals as pets) require a licence. 

Prior to a licence being issued an inspection is carried by an Inspector (in the case of dog breeders and riding establishments together with a qualified veterinarian) in accordance with the above legislation.  An assessment will be made whether the applicant has the correct knowledge, understanding and measures in place for the welfare of the animals.  The Inspector will follow the Statutory Guidance(Opens in a New Window)  issued by the Department of the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, and using the following table determine the duration of the licence; this being one, two or three years, together with a “Star Rating” of 1 to 5.

It should be noted that a new applicants who have no compliance history with a local authority or UKAS must be automatically rated as High Risk if their licence application is successful. This will mean a one year or two year licence initially for new applicants that this applies to and no new applicants can be issued a 1 star/1 year licence as they must meet all the minimum standards to be licensed.  When deciding on the length of a licence the council must have regard to the welfare standards and if the minimum standards are not met a licence cannot be granted. 

Animals activity star rating system

Determination of the duration of a licence star rating.

Determination of the duration of a licence star rating.
Risk Minor Failings Minimum Standards High Standards

Low Risk

1 Star = 1 Year Licence.   At least 1 unannounced visit within 12 months.

3 Star = 2 Year Licence.  At least 1 unannounced visit within 24 months.

5 Star = 3 Year Licence.  At least 1 unannounced visit within 36 months.

High Risk

1 Star = 1 Year Licence.  At least 1 unannounced visit within 12 months.

2 Star = 1 Year Licence.  At least 1 unannounced visit within 12 months.

4 Star = 2 Year Licence.  At least 1 unannounced visit within 24 months.

All of the premises currently licensed with Broxtowe Borough Council are detailed below.

This list is correct as of 28 July 2023

Animal Boarding Establishments

Animal Boarding Establishments
Business Name Address Telephone Number Star Rating Renewal Date

Appletree Cattery

165 Nottingham Road, Trowell, NG9 3PN

0115 930 7933

5 Star


Babbington Hall Kennels and Cattery

Babbington Hall, Westby Lane, Awsworth, Nottingham, NG16 2SS

0115 932 4576

3 Star


Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel

23 Nethergreen, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3DW

01773 719 641

3 Star


Cats at Ratcliffe

6 Ratcliffe Street, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3BN

01773 770 949

5 Star


Naptha Ltd

Shilo Way, Awsworth, Nottingham, NG16 2BF

0115 930 1711

3 Star


The Cattery

181 Main Street, Newthorpe, Nottingham, NG16 2DL

01773 763 899

3 Star


Toton Cattery

42 Rutland Avenue, Toton, Nottingham, NG9 6EP

0115 916 7113

3 Star


Zaros Cattery

21 Chapter Drive, Kimberley, Nottingham, NG16 2QD

0115 938 5333

3 Star



Dog Breeders

Dog Breeders
Business Name Area Star Rating Renewal Date

Toffee and Razcals Ltd

Toton, Nottingham

5 Star

December 2025

Roobeedoodle Ltd

Nuthall, Nottingham

5 Star

April 2026


Stapleford, Nottingham

3 Star

May 2025


Home Dog Boarders

Home Dog Boarders
Business Name Area Telephone Number Star Rating Renewal Date

Animals at Home (North Notts) Ltd

Kimberley, Nottingham

07910 837347

5 Star

December 2025

Animals at Home Franchise (Nottingham)

Host: Ms Chadwick

Host: A Spowage

Host: Miss Fenner

Cropwell Bishop, Nottingham

Stapleford, Nottingham

Stapleford, Nottingham

Chilwell, Nottingham


3 Star

February 2027

Broxtowe Pet Services

Host: Ms J Watson

Kimberley, Nottingham

Cossall, Nottinghamshire

07397 503267

1 Star

December 2025

Dovecote Pet Care

Newthorpe, Nottingham

07377 136209

3 Star

February 2026

Lovejoy's Walkers

Chilwell, Nottingham

Existing Clients Only

3 Star

September 2025

The Paw Pad Nottingham

Stapleford, Nottingham

07554 670673

1 Star

June 2025

Poochies Daycare and Boarding

Newthorpe, Nottingham

07904 180146

5 Star

November 2027

Happy Houndz

Awsworth, Nottingham

0115 8495731

5 Star

December 2024

Trace's Home From Home

Brinsley, Nottingham

07891 972671

5 Star

December 2027

Southfields Dog Boarding

Bramcote, Nottingham

07947 045960

4 Star

June 2025

Watnall Dog Boarding

Watnall, Nottinghamshire

07920 828 565

3 Stars

November 2026


Performing and Exhibiting Animals

Performing and Exhibiting Animals
Proprietor Business Name Address Telephone Number Licence Expiry Date

Kristan Harness

Lion Learners East Midlands

Watnall, Nottinghamshire

07873 796379


Nicola Robinson

The Wee Donkey Company

Trowell, Nottinghamshire




Pet Vending

Pet Vending
Business Name Address Animals Licensed to Sell Telephone Number Star Rating Expiry

Japanese Water Gardens

251 Toton Lane, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 7JA

Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish

0115 9397926

3 Star


L.E Koi Ltd

Rear of 61 Mill Road, Stapleford, Nottingham

Koi Carp, Marine Fish and Coral

0115 9398917

5 Star


Maidenhead Aquatics

Trowell Garden Centre

Stapleford Road, Trowell,

Nottingham NG9 3TG

Coldwater Fish and Tropical Freshwater Fish

0115 9327537

5 Star


Pets at Home Ltd (Giltbrook)

11 Giltbrook Retail Park, Ikea Way, Giltbrook, Nottingham, NG16 2RP

Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish

0115 9386699

5 Star


Pets at Home Ltd (Chilwell)

Unit 5B Chilwell Retail Park, Barton Lane, Attenborough, Nottingham NG9 6DS

Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish

0345 2661882

3 Star


Bardills Garden and Aquatic Centre

225 Toton Lane, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, NG9 7JB

Cold water fish, marine fish, tropical fish, marine invertebrates including molluscs and amphibians – terrapins and musk turtles.

0115 9392478

5 Star



Environmental Health
tel: 0115 917 3485