Broxtowe Youth Voice

Broxtowe Youth Council has now been re-branded as Broxtowe Youth Voice.

Broxtowe Youth Voice logoBroxtowe Youth Voice gives young people in the Borough an opportunity to debate the issues affecting them, including alcohol misuse, security in schools, sexual health, self-harming and much more. 

There is also a Youth Mayor elected each year. 

Mission Statement

Broxtowe Youth Voice's mission statement is:

"We are Broxtowe Youth Voice. We strive to make a change in our local community by ensuring we listen to the voices of Young People. We aim to tackle problems including discrimination, radicalisation and decreasing the voting age to sixteen. As Young People of Broxtowe, we endeavour to give a voice to the unheard!"

Broxtowe Youth Mayor

Libby Bales

Youth Mayor-Libby Bales

Past Youth Mayors / Deputy Youth Mayors

  • 2024/2025 - Libby Bales
  • 2022/2023 - Millie Richards
  • 2019/2020 - Grace Li/Finn Rogers
  • 2018/19 - William Mee / Faraz Hussain 
  • 2017/2018 - Alfie Russell / William Mee
  • 2016/2017 - Samaira Saleem / Yamam Alsudani
  • 2015/16 - Ellie Sandy / Samaira Saleem
  • 2014/15 - Jade Cox / Ellie Sandy
  • 2013/14 - Harroun Kinoucha / Jade Cox
  • 2012/13 - Adam Stockwell / Leigh Alder
  • 2011/12 - Tilly Stone
  • 2010/11 - Tilly Stone  

How to join

For more information and to join Broxtowe Youth Voice, please contact
