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Political Structure
Council elections take place every four years the current political make up is as follows:
Due to the Local Government Review, no further elections are planned for Broxtowe Borough Council. Councillor Milan Radulovic MBE was duly elected as Leader of the Council at the full Council meeting on 17 May 2023.
Current political make up (since 17 January 2025):
- - 18
- Conservatives - 10
- Labour - 8
- Liberal Democrat - 3
- Broxtowe Independent Group (BIG) - 5
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Previous years:
- Labour - 26
- Conservative - 10
- Broxtowe Independent Group - 5
- Liberal Democrats - 3
Conservative - 19
Labour - 14
Liberal Democrat - 7
Independent - 3
- Ashfield Independents - 1
Conservative - 27
Labour - 11
Liberal Democrat - 4
Independent - 2
Conservative - 18
Labour - 17
Liberal Democrat - 9
Conservative - 16
Lib Democrat - 15
Labour - 10
Independent - 2
British National party - 1