Replacement of Smoke Control Orders

View the results of the Replacement of Smoke Control Orders consultation.

The changes proposed to revoke 21 original smoke control orders and issue a revised order, to cover the entire District.  

How many people took part?

105 responses were received.


The majority of responses showed concern about air quality and felt the council should take action to improve it. 82% of respondents supported action.

Download the Smoke Control Order Consultation Report (.pdf) (540KB) (Opens in a new window).

Next steps 

Following the consultation, it was decided that Canal Boats would be excluded from the replacement smoke control order.

In November 2023, a decision was taken by Cabinet to revoke the existing smoke control areas and, following a further consultation period and secretary of State confirmation, to introduce a new Borough Wide Smoke Control Order.

The policy on the enforcement of the smoke control order was also approved by Cabinet in November 2023.

This will help us to streamline enforcement requirements, improve local air quality and reduce carbon emissions to help tackle climate change.

Find out more about Smoke Control Areas.

Environmental Health
tel: 0115 917 3485