Consultation and Consideration for Camera Surveillance

Find out more about our Consultation and Consideration for Camera Surveillance

  Key information

Closing date

Friday 11 October 2024 at 5pm

How to take part

Broxtowe Borough Council believe there is a pressing need with legitimate aims to introduce surveillance coverage at the soon to be built car park at Derby Road, Stapleford and are proposing to install two new surveillance cameras within the location. The surveillance coverage and system will allow quality images of an evidential standard, particularly at night. The surveillance cameras will assist in the prevention, investigation and detection of crime, the apprehension and prosecution of offenders, help maintain public order, assist with the reduction of vandalism and help to reduce the fear of crime in vulnerable public space locations. The surveillance system may also be used to support the statutory obligations and duties of the Council and serve to resolve complaints against others.

The use of surveillance cameras in this area is compliant with the Council’s Code of Practice, adheres to the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 and is operated in accordance with all the requirements and articles of the Human Rights Act 1998 and Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

Maximum deterrent value will be achieved by having cameras clearly visible and the areas covered by surveillance will be clearly indicated by the use of mounted signs.

To ensure privacy, a data privacy impact assessment (DPIA) will be carried out in conjunction with commissioning. Images from the surveillance system will only be viewed by trained and authorised operators, surveillance cameras will be set on a pre-set patrol and focused to minimise public intrusion. Images from the surveillance cameras will be recorded in accordance with existing operational procedures. There is no sound recording undertaken from any part of this system.

Directed surveillance will only be undertaken with the consent of the proper authorities and in accordance with the law.

Surveillance equipment will be positioned so that its extent covers only the area that is intended to be monitored. If the surveillance area borders private properties, every effort will be made to ensure that any private areas are redacted and cannot be viewed.

If you wish to comment on or object to the proposals outlined, we would be pleased to hear from you in writing – please quote “Derby Road, Stapleford Car Park Consultation” on any correspondence. Otherwise, the council shall assume that you have no comments or objections at this stage.

Should you require further information or clarification on any points arising from the proposal please contact the Council’s Camera Surveillance and Security Manager on 0115 917 3685 during normal office hours or email

For further information on the council surveillance systems please visit our CCTV webpage.
