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Climate Change and Green Futures Consultation 2023
A consultation on climate change was carried out to gather input from residents and stakeholders to ensure our Climate Change and Green Futures strategy is comprehensive and inclusive.
How many people took part? 
296 residents had their say.
The results showed that:
- Residents would like the document to be reformatted to portrait rather than landscape to enable easier reading on a tablet or mobile phone.
- It was felt that the strategy didn’t signpost stakeholders to what they can do to help or get involved.
Clarification should be provided between the role and decision making of Broxtowe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council where needed. For example, items that can/can’t be recycle via kerb side collections, and the management of drains across the Borough.
Download a copy of the Climate Change and Green Futures Strategy 2023-27(.pdf)(4796KB)(Opens in a new window).
Next steps 
The Council have implemented the suggested changes so that residents can now more easily read the strategy on a tablet or mobile phone, added a new section, Section Seven: The Role of Stakeholders should be included to signpost stakeholders to relevant opportunities to take climate action and added clarification where relevant between the role and decision making of Broxtowe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.
Your responses will be used to inform the next revision of the Climate Change and Green Futures strategy which will be shared soon. The Climate Change and Green Futures strategy will continue to be updated to ensure it remains relevant.
You can contact the Council with your ideas or topics you would like to see tackled within the document by emailing environment@broxtowe.gov.uk.
You can find previous versions of the strategy on the Carbon Neutral by 2027 webpage.