Consultations - Let's Talk Broxtowe

Details of consultations run by the Council and how you can get involved.

Let's Talk Broxtowe

Throughout the year, we talk to residents, businesses and other partners to ask for their views to help us shape our services and future developments. 

In this section you can view details about current consultations and how you can get involved.

You can also see the results of previous consultations and how your feedback has influenced changes to services and decision making.

Open consultations

Stapleford HSRA Designated Area Consultation

The Council is seeking comments regarding the Stapleford HSRA Designated Area. High Street Rental Auctions (HSRAs) are a new permissive power for local authorities to require landlords to rent out persistently vacant commercial properties to new tenants such as local businesses or community groups.

Take part

Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Consultation

Broxtowe Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils are preparing the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan, which will set out policies to secure sustainable growth up to 2041.

Take part

Closed consultations

The following consultations were undertaken during 2023/24 or 2024/25.

Other ways to feed back


Tenants can find more ways to get involved and have their say through our Housing Engagement page.


You can meet with members of our Environment Team face-to-face at our Green Festivals

If you're eager to learn more about recycling in the Borough but aren't sure where to start and you run a group or are a school within the area, our Waste and Recycling Engagement Officer is available to run sessions to answer some of your questions, with sessions suitable for all age groups. Email for more information.

Look out for Clean and Green Litter Picks on our Facebook page (Opens in a new window) to take part in cleaning your area with your community. If you'd like to organise your own litter pick, you can find more information on our Clean and Green webpage.

Public meetings and committees

The Council’s Cabinet and other Committees make decisions about services or have delegated powers to make decisions based on law.

Cabinet, and most Committees, are public meetings so members of the public are welcome to attend. At certain meetings, like full Council Meetings, members of the public can also ask questions by prior arrangement.

Agendas, minutes and meeting dates are published on our website at and decisions for many of the Committees are shared on our Twitter account @broxtowebc.

You can attend meetings in person at the Council Offices in Beeston or you can view a live stream of the meeting whilst it is taking place on our YouTube channel

Through Overview and Scrutiny, the Council is keen to investigate issues that are important to the people of Broxtowe. If you have an issue that you feel the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should look at as part of its work please get in touch

Disability Forum

The Council has a Disability Forum which works in co-production with local people to ensure that the views of people with disabilities are heard. For more information contact

Public notices

You can view details of public notices on our Public Notices page.

Planning applications

You can view or comment on a planning application or find a planning decision on our Planning Applications page.

Nottinghamshire Citizens Panel

The Nottinghamshire Citizens' Panel is a group of people from all backgrounds and areas of the county who give their opinion on council services through questionnaires and focus groups. Find out more on the Nottinghamshire County Council website (Opens in a new window).

Privacy and data

Except where otherwise stated, we will always withhold personal information such as addresses in line with the privacy policy of this website. Responses from people who have asked for confidentiality will not be published at all.

Read more on our Legal and Privacy page.

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